As you explore the Unity lighting system you will discover and utilize four basic types of lights to illuminate your scenes. The types are Directional, Point, Area, and Spotlight. In this article we’ll cover them and their use cases to help make your scenes look...
The Universal Render Pipeline is visually stunning and high performance improvement to Unity Standard Builtin pipeline, it gives the widest reach of compatibility, ease of use tools., and fidelity without compromising stability. We’ll go through a step by step...
Moving from 2D environments to 3D environments requires an entire new dimension of planning that a simple flat surface never really exposes you to. Aside from the depth of objects in a 3rd dimension is the richness of lighting and shadows. So what is 3D exactly? This...
So you want to keep something around forever (or at least for the life of your game?) well Unity has you covered with Static Types! So what are they exactly? Many things can be static (classes, methods, variables) and when you have one there can only be one like the...
Encapsulation is one of the most pivotal aspects of coding. In a nutshell it is the ability for classes to keep parts or all of themselves private unchanged from the outside. However sometimes these private variables must be changed from the outside but otherwise...