Static cameras make for boring scenes, unless it’s a fixed view like a security camera it is more likely to create dynamic scenes you’ll have to add a bit of noise. In this article we’ll cover how to make a handheld style camera to add a bit of movement to your existing cameras in Unity Cinemachine. Start by opening your project by either creating a new one or an existing one. I’ll be using an existing project.

Create a Virtual Camera (Hierarchy > Right Click > Cinemachine > Virtual Camera) and a Capsule. Assign the Capsule to the Virtual Camera’s LookAt field to have the camera face the Capsule. Next we’ll go to the Noise section of the Virtual Camera and add Basic Perlin Noise, this will then allow use to use the various noise profiles like below.

Go with Basic_handheld_mild as that gives you a gentle shake. It should look like this when you press Play.

You can adjust the amplitude and frequency to determine how strong the shake and how often it occurs. Also check out the other profiles, they will give you better ideas on the style and strength of the noise applied to the camera as example. Until next time, happy coding.