As we continue to layer more and more complexity with game mechanics this will invariably lead to submechanics of larger more complex system. One such submechanic would be a distraction system as a part of a larger detection mechanic. We’ll be using a previous example...
In a previous article we talked about the general settings of a Cinemachine Virtual Camera which briefly covered Aim Settings and Body Settings. In layman terms Aim Settings cover the rotation of the virtual camera where Body Settings cover the transform of the...
As you code more and more advanced AI you will need to create greater and greater types of complex movement. Simply following the player around isn’t enough to create compelling gameplay. For example when layered on other complex systems like the motion detection...
Setting up camras in Unity is a pain but with the built-in Cinemachine package, you can allay those concerns with a powerful set of cameras and tools that make composing the perfect scene a snap. If you haven’t already, start by heading to Window>Package...
Giving enemies the ability to detect and react to your player is a fundamental mechanic that act as the bedrock of enemy AI. This can be as simple as target acquisition to chase or shoot at your player or creating more complex mechanics such as a stealth or cover...