Now it’s time to get your audio moving in sync with your animations. While the martial arts movies from the old days are much beloved for their janky lip syncing and audio timing issues. Most people much prefer if animations line up the sounds coming through your...
When your scenes grow in both scope and size it will be important to learn to utilize multiple post-process and reflection probes. These different probes and volumes will help convey different parts of your game to deliver entirely different experiences in the same...
As your experience controlling the many light sources in Unity grows it will become pretty clear that their ability to cast particular kinds of shadows comes with some serious limitations. This is especially true if you want to maintain performance or have more unique...
The flexibility of Timeline allow creators to animate game objects mid-Timeline using the keyframes directly in Timeline to make objects move similar to Unity Animator system (check that out here) but it is rather limited in what you can realistically do. For more...
The ability to control the direct lighting on your volumetric surfaces (such as fog) is one of the defining features of the HDR pipeline. In this article we’ll show you how to take a simple spotlight and with some light layering, let you highlight your fog...